Dr. Juan J. Pérez -Faculty-
Dr. Juan José Pérez
-Faculty Member-
E-mail: jjperez.ibg@gmail.com
2005: Stomatologist (MD). Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre Y Maestra (PUCAMAYMA)
2006: Diploma of Theological Studies (D.T.S.). Reformed Baptist Seminary (RBS).
2009: Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.). Reformed Baptist Seminary (RBS).
2017: Master of Divinity (M.Div). Reformed Baptist Seminary (RBS).
2018: Doctor of Teology (Th.D/PhD) -candidate-. Southern Baptist School (SBS).
Languages: Spanish (Mother lang.)
English (as a 2d language)
2005 - 2014: Grace Baptist School. Bible and Biology Teacher.
2006 - 2008: Social Security. Stomatologist.
Since 2009: Grace Baptist Church. Pastor and Teacher.
Since 2009: Grace Ministerial Academy. Dean and professor of exegetical and Systematic Theology.
2009 - Actual: National Evangelical University (UNEV). Professor of Applied Axegesis and Biblical Theology
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